Saturday, June 29, 2013

Dad-In-Law's Birthday Party!

We had a down home celebration for Dad-In-Law's 82nd birthday this week!  I found a really cute card with a silly looking couple . .  both with big buggy eyes and teeth in need of a dentist.  As we wandered around the store I also found these beauties ~ such purdy smiles!  We had a great time and lots of laughs.

Rain O' Rain ~ ~ We are praying for much needed rain for this dry, parched land ~ and also to cool things off a little bit.  We so enjoy the monsoon season with the loud cracks of thunder that come along with the afternoon showers . . . You can almost see the plants and animals breathing a sigh of relief when the stormy days begin!  Our grandbabies never met a rainstorm they didn't like . . .

Some people walk in the rain ...
Others just get wet.

                       ~ Roger Miller

Hoping you have a sweet weekend . . . 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Summer ~ Fishing ~ Homemade Bread

There is so much pretty-ness this time of year.  Our flowers are all enjoying the bright sun and the cool breeze.  Hollyhocks ~ Clematis ~ Roses and the Sunflowers are growing so fast you can almost stand there and watch them getting taller .... I know why they are called Sunflowers.  The top leaves of the plants face the sun all day long ~ in the morning they are facing East and by evening they are facing West.  Such smart little fellers . . .

Some of the original seeds didn't want to come up so the smaller plants were replanted a few weeks ago.

We are enjoying our grandkiddos for two weeks and as always we went to the lake and the park for some play time.  Papa and Grandson #1 were skipping rocks until this cute little family swam by . . . we watched them for the longest time.  It seems that mama was showing off her brood to all the visitors at the lake.  She made sure to swim right along the shore line ~ the fishermen reeled in their line, the walkers stopped to look ~ everyone was interested in her little family.  So Cute!

Hubby and I had a hankerin' for Sourdough Bread.  So I went shopping online at The King Arthur Flour Company and decided to order the sourdough starter, both kinds ~ the quick easy starter and the slow-feed-me-every-day-make-a-commitment-to-me starter.  A dear friend agreed to make the quick starter and I made the slow starter bread and then we compared loaves.  The flavor and texture of both loaves were wonderful, almost identical!!!   But we both kinda like the slow starter so that we can share starter with friends and family.  It only lasted for two days here at home ~ nothing better than fresh baked bread.

More About Feathered Friends ~

I found this birdhouse at a country gift shop . . . it's a little rough around the edges but fits in quite nicely around home.  I like anything handmade!

Posing for this picture is one of our Acorn Woodpeckers and it's our first year having them.  As their name implies .. they depend on acorns and other nuts for survival.  We have several oak trees in our yard which explains why they like us!  They live in small colonies which consist of up to five males, one or two females and up to a dozen juveniles from previous years with all members helping to raise the new babies.  They are very vocal, giving a loud, nasal "wheka-wheka-wheka" call.  

Granddaughter #2 catching her very first fish . . . all by herself . . . no help from Papa.  She actually caught two on this fishing trip.  Her big brother caught five but even so ~ she was tough to live with after that.  We are so proud of them both!

What good is the warmth of summer,
without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.
                                                                                                ~  John Steinbeck

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Bathing Beauty

Our bathing beauty ... granddaughter #2.  When you live where it's hot and I mean today it was around 105 ... you tend to frolic around the swimming pool as much as possible.  Love this picture!!

Her blessed parents!!

There is something about Audrey Hepburn that will live on forever in the hearts and minds of beautiful women ~ When I need inspiration I look to her words of wisdom for that little pick-me-up ... 

 Be Silly ~ Be Kind ~ Be Honest . . .

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Family Fun ..

We have been spoiled the last two weekends with visits from Sons #1 and #2 along with our grandkids. It's been fun enjoying the sunshine and the warm temperatures here in God's country ~ we enjoy sitting outside and catching up on life's ups and downs.  We even ventured out to the lake for some fishing.  It's a good thing it's called fishing and not "catching" ~ between the 5 of us we came up with one tiny little fish that our granddaughter reeled in for Papa.  Glad we had other plans for dinner ...

After fishing we cruised on down the road to the park where we found this interesting teeter totter shaped like an airplane.

Siesta Time

Awww ~ such beauty here in God's Country!  Here are pictures of the Little Colorado River as it meanders through northeastern Arizona.  It is a beautiful little babbling brook ~ looks like a perfect picnic place to me.  Don't ya think?


Mom spends her summers in this area and this cute little outhouse has it right . . . DANGER BEAR AREA.  She has experienced several bears up close and personal over the years.  The first encounter we all remember well ...  after a trip to the local market she was bringing the groceries into the cabin, one bag in each arm.  She heard a snorting sound by the back door and she turned around to find a bear with it's nose at the screen door.  She slammed the door closed with her foot and Mr. Bear looked up at her casually and then moseyed down the porch steps and off into the forest.  Thank the Good Lord for that.  I guess he wasn't hungry at the time ...

My front porch reminder . . .

It's a sure sign of summer if the chair gets up when you do.

                                                    ~  Walter Winchell