Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Few of Life's Finest Things ..

A Little Pampering ~
After looking at plain ol' toes and fingernails for several months now, I decided to do a home manicure and pedicure.  Feels great!  Thought it might hurry winter along ~ I love the seasons but sometimes I find myself yearning for warm sunny days and pretty nails!

Birds of a Feather ~
During breakfast yesterday we were invaded by 7 Acorn Woodpeckers!  They travel together showing up and leaving at the same time.  These guys and gals depend on acorns (imagine that!) and other nuts for survival.  They live and nest in small colonies, consisting of up to five males, one or two females and up to a dozen juveniles from previous years, with all members helping to raise the new young.  They are very vocal with a loud nasal "wheka-wheka-wheka" call.

Needle Pulling Thread ~
I am working on a wool and flannel quilt.  It's called Bertie's Year ~ cute bird themed blocks!  Also, embroidering "Winter Wonderland", a redwork quilt.  This is my first redwork project and I am loving it.   So pretty ~ pictures next time.

Hope this is a great week for you.  It can be challenging in our world of conflict ~ find a moment of peace every day.  This is my reminder ...

Promise Yourself

To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.

To make all your friends feel that they are something special.
To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.

To think only the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.

~ Christian D. Larson

Thursday, January 22, 2015

It's Nice to be Back ..

Happy Winter Friends ~

Time has flown by and here it is January already.  I'm not a big New Years Resolution person, but having said that, I decided to make one resolution this year ~ it's very simple but has lots of importance for me.  To Live More Deliberately and to care for those less fortunate!  It's easy to get so wrapped up in daily doings that nothing really gets accomplished.  Sooo .. this year will be different!!  I am working on projects that have long needed my attention ~ I have also started a new adventure with Young Living essential oils ~ and I have a renewed interest in blogging.  

Hope your 2015 is off to a great start.

This little friend, an Abert's Squirrel, is enjoying an acorn nut that fell from our oak tree.  We enjoy watching the squirrels, the woodpeckers, the nuthatches and other various birds during the winter .. 

I've heard there are troubles of more than one kind: 
some come from ahead and some come from behind.
But I've brought a big bat.
I'm all ready, you see; now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!

~ Dr. Seuss