Thursday, July 18, 2013

Veggies and Craft Room ...

Imagine my surprise . . . every day I check for zucchini and every day I have found nothing but big beautiful blossoms.  So get this, today I had my glasses on ~ haa haa ~ and I found these huge veggies.  Actually it wasn't the glasses so much .. but more where they were .. very well hidden and sitting just on top of the soil.  They might be too big to enjoy ... we'll see!  

Ahhh, time in my craft room!!  I don't know why but I'm not very good at getting in there and having fun ~ always seem to find something else that needs attention I suppose.  Our #2 son (and wifey) found beautiful fabric and asked that I make table runners for them ... I started one of them after doing some long-overdue mending on hubs clothes ... and also found these fun things that I've recently finished.

Roosters Crow .... but the Hens Deliver!!
Halloween Needle-punch
I found this cute pattern at Pine Needles in Gardner Village in the little town of West Jordan, Utah.  I intended to make it as a gift but fell completely in love with it.  So adorable ... You may want to check out the Pine Needles blog or even better ~ visit the shop if you're up that way.  It's one of those shops that you wish wish wish was in your neighborhood.  

The hubby and I were out and about when we saw these Cow Elk ... grazing on the green grass.  I wish I'd had the camera the other day ~ I saw a huge Bull Elk, probably the most magnificent animal I've seen in some time.  He was all alone .. and looking so regal.

Don't take life too seriously,
cuz no one gets out of it alive!

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of the fabric, hows that coming along!?! The squash looks great! So do the other little crafts. Miss you guys
