Sunday, July 28, 2013

What's Happening in our Neck of the Woods ...

Hummingbirds everywhere at Paw-In-Law's House . . . we have a few here but good grief what is my father-in-law feeding these guys?  Something good I guess!  We have to keep our eye out for them when we're visiting on the front porch . . . they're little dive bombers.

We have had lots of animal happenings this week . . .

A rogue skunk wandered in during the middle of the day.  He was in bad shape ~ he had very little fur and was blind.   How we knew this was because he was out during the daytime and also he was rolling down steps and running into posts .... poor fella.   But he was sure ready for battle with that tail straight up in the air.  Have you ever coaxed a blind skunk into a trap?  Us either ... and it doesn't work well.  Hubby had to take action on him after being sprayed several times ~ and off to Happy Skunk Heaven he went.  Ugh ....

We are nursing one of our hens back to health ... Lacey, our pup in the picture above, wanted to bring her home for supper ~ fortunately she was stopped before things got too bad.  So a few feathers later along with a slight limp she's coming along.  Lacey is a very sweet pup (even tho she looks like a toughie in this picture) . . . but she is soooo curious about all things around her ~ a nice way of saying she's into everything.

Sunflowers ~ AT LAST!!  Aren't they gorgeous ... love love love all things Sunflower!!!  I changed it up this year and planted smaller varieties and in various colors and I really like it.  A few years ago I planted nothing but the mammoth variety.  They grew to 8 feet tall and the heads were so huge and heavy that they hung straight down ... although they were spectacular you had to stand under them in order to enjoy their beauty.  These I can admire from my kitchen window ... and anywhere in the yard.

I get to be the birthday girl this week!!  So excited ... who knows what's in store but whether there is nothing or something in store, birthdays are always a blessing.

Have a special week .... love one another!!!


  1. Happy early birfday mother!!!!!! Your sunflowers are beautiful, cant wait to see them in 2 weeks!!!!! Keep your heads down at M & M's, that'd be bad news! Give my Abby (and lacey and mols) big lovin from us! Especially my Abby girl! Love & miss you! See ya soon!!!

  2. Your sunflowers are doing so well, the rains have been helpful. So glad the hens are doing okay, too. Happy Birthday to you, I am almost done with your birthday gifts! We will celebrate soon. :)

  3. ^^^Hey its nice to see another comment other then mine haha

  4. Your sunflowers are AMAZZZING! I wanted mine to turn out, but since the little finches are eating all the leaves, it is doubtful that they will bloom! I need a lesson in "sunflower planting"!!!
    Love your posts Lori!

  5. Your sunflowers are so beautiful, Lori! I was hoping I would have a few to enjoy here at our home, but the little finches are eating all the leaves so I am doubtful if they will have the strength to bloom. I need to take a lesson in planting sunflowers!
    Love your Posts, Lori
